- Trapping and aligning carbon nanotubes via substrate geometry engineering
- Electronic effects in scanning tunnelling microscopyof metal-filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes
- Curvature effects on the structural, electronic and optical properties of isolated single-walled carbon
- Towards a test of string theory using Rydberg atoms
- Produksi Hidrogen dengan energi nuklir
- Statistical Evaluation of Laser Energy Density Effect on Mechanical Properties
- Facile Synthesis of Highly AlignedMultiwalled CarbonNanotubes fromPolymer Precursors
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- Hardness of materials: studies at levels from atoms to crystals
- Pemanfaatan Kembali Panas dari Blown Gas dan Relaxed Gas
- Perubahan Iklim Global: Apa dan bagaimana terjadinya?
- Kimia Polimer
- Senyawa Kimia Kompleks
- Polimerisasi Kayu
- Sulphuric Acid
- Asam Oksalat
- Ethanol
- Acetone
- Sodium hidroksida
- Benzaldehida
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Download laporan Kimia Anorganik
- Percobaan I Korosi Besi
- Percobaan II Sifat Kimia Senyawa Klor
- Percobaan III Kestabilan Redoks dalam air
- Percobaan IV Tembaga Amin Sulfat berhidrat
- Percobaan V Kuprisulfat pentahidrat
- Percobaan VI Sintesis NaOH